<(^.^)> tsuki

A little funky guide to playing Minesweeper

This is a post that I wrote a long, long time ago, but completely forgot its existence until today. Sorry for that!

I wrote this tutorial as a general introduction to people who never played Minesweeper before to the game.

Hope you enjoy! :3


Image generated by Stable Diffusion -- Poster drawing for Minesweeper, pixel art

Table of content


Hello there!

You clicked on the title probably because you wanted to learn how to play Minesweeper, or wondering why the hell a game like Minesweeper need a guide to play.

And about a year ago, I thought of the same too! I thought that Mineswepper is a simple game, you don't need a guide to be good at it, right?

But as it turns out, there's more to the game than what it might seem. And now I'm sharing all of my knowledge to you in this post.

So, buckle up, buckaroos. Today we are going to dive into the wonderful game that is Minesweeper, and learn some of the most important concepts in the game.

Hope you enjoy! :3

Where to play

Before jumping into the meat, we are going to answer an easy, but very reasonable qustion: where am I going to practice and play?

The answer is: Anywhere, really!

You can play Minesweeper on your older Windows machine or on your phone (though not very recommended).

if you want a little bit more than just playing games, there are online Minesweeper servers, like minesweeper.online, that provides a lot goods and tutorials.

Generally speaking, if your device has Minesweeper and can run it, by any means use it.

How to play

In contrary to what you (and many people) might think, Minesweeper is a very simple game to play and to understand.

You were given a grid of cells, and each cell can contain either an empty space, a number, or a mine.

Cell with numbers indicate the amount of mines in their 9 neighbouring cells.

To finish the game, you need to explore all the spaces in the grid, until there's only the mine cells left.

And... that's it! Now you know how to play Minesweeper!

Juat that?

Yes, just that! :)

Now, you have got the basic idea of how to play, let's move on to...


Chording is a very important technique that every beginners should know about when playing the sweeping mines game.

It is also the only way that you can gain efficiency (which we will talk about later).

Chording happens when you left-click on a number cell after all of the mine cells near it have been flagged.

This results in all other cells being cleared out, allow you to save clicks and time.

Note: On Windows Minesweeper, you can chord by left- and right-click on the cell at the same time

Note that depends on the amount of flags needed and the amount of cells that can be cleared, chording can be used in certain situations to gain efficiency.

A lot of the times they don't save any more clicks than just clear out the cells one by one, then it's a personal preference to use or not to use.

Note: Not all Minesweeper implementations support chording, and If the implementation of your choice doesn't support it, you may want to move to another one


One thing that's just as important as chording is learning and recognizing patterns.

Patterns in Minesweeper (sometimes called configurations) are common arrangement of numbers that only has 1 solution.

There are quite a lot of patterns in the game. Some are extemely common, while others are more rare and complicated.

You don't have to learn all of them, though, but it's essential for you to know these 4 patterns, as they are very common, and can help you solve seemingly unsolvable cases:

Here's another, similar, example:

Here's another similar example


In Minesweeper, the difficulty of a board is measured by a unit called Bentel's Benchmark Board Value, or 3BV for short.

3BV is the minimum amount of clicks required to solve a board without using flags (or NF, for short).

To gain efficiency, you have to solve the board such that the amount of clicks is smaller than the 3BV of the board.

One way to do this is to basically be careful and not chord unncessarily, as it can cost you clicks.

But you also shouldn't go for the raw no flag way (aka opening every single non-mine cell), as it is incresibly inefficient, and the game kinda does it for you at the end anyways.


Minesweeper is, like Rubik's cube and Tetris, a game relied heavily on luck.

But here, we are not talking about the luck of a board, but rather luck on a specific cell setup.

There are setups where the chances are 50/50, and you can't solve these with logic or patterns.

A rule of thumb for dealing with situations like this is to check the mine count and compare it with your configuration (i.e. the mine pattern you have in your mind).

My personal advice for this is to just go with your intuition. There's a very likely chance that once your skills get decently good, your predictions will also be just as good.


So, that's the end of this guide!

I have introduced to you some of the most important and fundamental concepts for playing Minesweeper.

Hope this will provide you helpful tips and advices for playing the game.

Now, fire up the Minesweeper software on your machine, and have fun sweeping! :)


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