<(^.^)> tsuki

Arrows - a small experimental puzzle game

Recently, I have an idea of a puzzle game, and I thought it might be helpful to write a little post about it and get feedback for the design first. So, here we go.

Arrows is an experimental puzzle game where you are given a 5x5 board with some arrows.

Your goal is to place arrows such that:

  1. All arrows on the board have an opposing arrow on the same line (either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally)
  2. All of the squares in the board must be filled with either an arrow or one or more arrow lines

An example of a complete Arrows game:

⬊ → . . ←
⬊ . ⬋ ⬋ ↓
→ . ← ↓ .
⬈ . ⬉ ↑ ↑
⬈ → . ← ⬉

An arrow line is basically the line two opposing arrows creates, here's an example of an arrow line:

⬊ . . . .
. # . . .
. . # . .
. . . # .
. . . . ⬉

Here, the # are the arrow line of two diagonal arrows at the top-left and bottom-right of the board.

Do note that nested arrow lines are not allowed. For example, this board is illegal, because there are 4 arrows on the same arrow line, with a smaller arrow line created from it:

⬊ . . . .
. ⬊ . . .
. . # . .
. . . ⬉ .
. . . . ⬉


#design #post #puzzle game